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Website Localization Services

More Than 25 Years Of Experience In The Website Localization Industry. Covering More Than 100 Languages With In All Kinds Of Fields. Working With All Kinds Of Platforms For Website Content Managment including MTE Platforms. Our Professional Website Localization Services Include:
  • Translating Website Content In High Quality.
  • Localization Of Website Design And Functionality To Suite Target Audiences And Their Cultures
  • Search Engine Optimization In Target Languages
  • Website Teting And Quality Assurance.
  • Internationalization Consulting And Professional Localization Project Management
Website localization services

Website localization services refer to the process of adapting a website’s content, design, and functionality to make it suitable for a particular target audience in a different region or country. This process involves translating content into the target language and adapting it to the target culture and preferences. Website localization services are essential for businesses that want to expand their reach from local to internationl markets. 

Why Choosing Our Professional Website Localization Services?

website localization services
website localization services

When you localize or translate the contents of your website into any language, you have a better chance of seizing bigger national and international market shares and reaching more Hispanic and other communities that represent a valuable market segment for any organization.

At Elite TransLingo, while translating and localizing your website, we carefully take into account your target audience, their ethnic backgrounds, and their cultural heritage. We make sure that the style of the language including; grammar and vocabulary is reflecting your client’s needs and requirements on the website that you want to translate and localize. Our translators and localization engineers always make sure to render a translated and localized version of the Website that adapts to the target cultural, linguistic, and technical requirements.

In today’s competitive market, you do not need a standard website translated into one language or two, you need to conquer new markets, new cultures, and new audiences with a comprehensive understanding of website localization technology. We at Elite Translingo are here to help you accomplish this goal and to serve you professional website localization services within your own budget expectations.

At Elite TransLingo, we perform language and cultural adaptation on your website from the localization project’s initiation phase to the testing, and support. Our website localization process includes the following steps :

                             1- Translation of website content                     2-Localization of website design                                      
                             3- Adapting website functionality                    4- Website SEO optimization   
                             5- Testing and quality assurance                       6- Customer Service and support                                

Bridging the Gap of Communication Between your Company’s Website and your Future Customers

Website Localization ServicesAt Elite TransLingo we do more than just render a translation of your website content, we bridge the gap of communication between two languages, two cultures, and two worlds. Because we take into account the cultural significance of everything on your website, whether it is a picture, a religious symbol, or a color. We recommend our clients adopt a few simple changes if required to match the expectation of their clients in a different culture. So we always give advice to our clients on the process of work as we progress.

And because we believe that our client is our business partner and not a one-time customer, we take extra measures to deliver the highest possible translation and localization qualities.

When you choose to localize and translate your website with us, all that you need to do is to send us an HTML, text, or word file version of your website source files, which can be easily provided to you by your webmaster.

If for any reason you could not find the source files in an HTML file format, do not worry about it, just send us an email letting us know that you are willing to translate and localize your website contents and we will be more than happy to help you out. One of our trained website localization project managers will be able to assist you and send you an accurate turnaround time and affordable cost estimate to translate and localize the contents of your website.

Strict Quality Assurance and Confidentiality  Measures in our Website Localization Services Process

We at Elite Translingo adopt rigorous quality assurance measures when it comes to our professional website translation and localization services that we have been serving our loyal clients since 1995. We also protect the confidentiality of all the contents of your websites including any legal texts, customer information, images, and user interface. We always sign strict non-disclosure agreements with our local translators and language experts. So rest assured that your website will be translated, and localized in confidential and professional procedures that include the following:

Analyzing  the Files

Once you send us the source files to be translated and localized, our localization project manager will analyze the file formats to assess the engineering aspect of all the works involved, then provide you with an accurate cost and turnaround time estimate for returning your website files translated and localized.

Project Initiation 

In this phase of our website localization process, our website project manager will extract the localized contents of your website including texts, images, user interface, graphics, and diagrams. Then we will prepare a terminology list for the translation process to ensure consistency of the language on the entire website before the translation process.

Human Translation

In this step, our website localization project manager will assign the editable parts of the website, and its text to professional native language experts with experience in the same subject matter of your website to start the translation process. Our project manager also will be in contact with your webmaster for some technical aspects of the website localization process if needed. Then a professional native human translation will be conducted on the contents of your website.

Reviewing and Editing 

After the translation is done, a separate proofreader will go through all the translated materials to make sure there are no omissions, mistakes, or stylistic or grammatical issues in the language of the website itself. Our localization project manager will assign some images or texts that are not editable to desktop publishing engineers if needed. Our DTP engineers will also review and edit the contents to match the localized final user interface if required.

Testing, Launching, and Support

Our highly trained and professional Localization testing engineers will go through the entire translated and localized website for the final steps of bug fixing, testing, and launching the contents of your website. We will also test the website localization and language functionality providing continuous help and support if needed.

more informationAt Elite TransLingo, we have been helping local and international clients communities bridge the communication gap to achieve their localization goals. We translate and localize all kinds of files in over 100 languages.  Also, we send in-house certified translators and language experts to any locations in the USA and overseas. Get your website localization today from Elite TransLingo and save yourselves time and hassle. Get a Free Quote HERE.
Certified Translation Company
Elite TransLingo is a top-notch certified Translation company. Our translators are highly qualified linguists with relevant experience in all fields. They deliver outstanding technical translation services in all technical arenas. At Elite TransLingo, we deliver one of the most professional and certified translation and interpretation services in the industry. 
Elite TransLingo’s team of certified degree professionals is available 24/7 for providing meaningful and standardized language pairs. They have a deep understanding of diverse legal practices. Contact us today for a free legal interpretation quote.
Get Your Website Localization Done Right The First Time!

Get in touch with Elite TransLingo’s fast, accurate, and confidential Website Localization services to avoid any costly translation mistakes. Elite TransLingo is always there to help. With our years of experience in the website localization market, we are confident that you will receive the best possible results at the best interpretation price.